A series of four digital commissions by Plymouth-based creatives that celebrate the diversity of the city’s LGBT+ community.
These four works also marked the 10th anniversary of the launch of Plymouth’s award-winning ‘Pride in Our Past’ project and LGBT+ History Month 2021. As well as being featured here they have been added to the Plymouth LBGT+ archive for future generations to experience and enjoy.
Born and raised in Plymouth, Elani Evangelou has been working in the music industry for about eight years. Although the COVID-19 pandemic has limited her ability to perform, she has spent the recent months honing her skills as a writer.
Born and raised in Plymouth, Eric Rickard is an English Literature graduate and amateur poet who has performed at various festivals and events throughout Devon and Cornwall.
Arth Lawr is an established artist who works and lives in Plymouth. He has supported several charity events throughout his career and also works as a social work teacher.