Privacy Policy

What data does The Box, Plymouth collect?

We collect and use personal data through our services such as attending events, completing feedback forms, making a donation and registering with us as a volunteer.

You have the right to see, correct or request to delete the information we hold about you.

Please let us know if you would like to unsubscribe from all communications or from specific types or methods. If you no longer wish to receive communications please contact us by email [email protected] or write to us at: The Box, Tavistock Place, Plymouth, PL4 8AX.

For more information about how we look after your information or to find out more about your rights, go to or contact [email protected]

The Box is committed to protecting your data that is gathered through using our website, in accordance with data protection legislation.

Newsletter privacy

When you opt in to receive newsletters (whether through the form managed by our ticketing website, or by permission granted in person when you make a ticket booking on site or over the phone), you consent for us to use your name, email address to receive the relevant newsletters you opted in to. This data is held on our customer relationship management system and your name, email address and newsletter preference is shared with a third party (Wordfly) who we use to send out our email communications. You can unsubscribe at any time.

Online event booking, ticket and membership purchasing privacy

When you make a booking or purchase membership online through our ticketing website, we ask you to create an account. The data you enter (your name, email address, home address, contact details and preferences) is stored on our customer relationship management software. We use this information to deliver a service to you, including processing your ticketing request and keeping you informed of any changes to your booking. We will share your name and email address to a third party (Wordfly) if we need to send you email communications that are relevant to your booking.

You can manage your contact details by accessing the 'Account' page once you are logged into the site.

Under the UK Data Protection Act 2018 we ensure strict procedures are followed when storing information you have given us.