Transatlantic Slavery and Abolition: Timeline

Transatlantic Slavery and Abolition: Timeline

Explore the timeline in detail to discover new information about this complicated history.

This detailed timeline from 1470 to 2020 takes you on a journey through the history of transatlantic slavery, including the role that people in Plymouth played in both the trade and its abolition, and how this history is memorialised and remembered today.

Key Stages:
Key Stage 3,
Key Stage 4
Abolition of Slavery,
Transatlantic Slavery
Download this PDF resource to use with your class.

School visits

Transatlantic Slavery and Abolition

Transatlantic Slavery and Abolition

The Spanish Armada | School Visits | The Box Plymouth

The Spanish Armada

SENsational workshops | School Visits | The Box Plymouth

SENsational workshops