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Cabinets of curiosities
News - Apr 2020

Behind The Scenes, 24 April 2020: Cabinets of Curiosities

Since 2016, the Collections Assistants at The Box have been diligently working on a project to explore and document three old wooden cabinets filled with art prints.

Garden Explorers
Natural History - Apr 2020

Earth Day 2020: Garden Explorers

Today is the 50th anniversary of Earth Day - an international celebration of life on earth that aims to highlight the importance of protecting our environment. It’s marked in over 190 countries across the world.

My Plymouth History
Press Release - Apr 2020

My Plymouth History

Can you help shed light on the city’s past using information and images you have at home?

The month when everything changed
News - Apr 2020

Behind The Scenes, 8 April 2020: The month when everything changed

It’s fair to say that last month was a month unlike any other. With just over 60 days to go until we were due to open, none of us could have predicted the current turn of events.

Staying Connected
News - Apr 2020

Culture in Quarantine, 3 April 2020: Staying Connected

It's nearly a fortnight since many of The Box staff started working from home and we stopped seeing those familiar tiles pictured above each day. Even though we’re having to do it remotely, staying connected has never been more important.

PHF 2020 Update
News - Mar 2020

Plymouth History Festival 2020 Update

In recent weeks we’ve been monitoring the fast changing health situation regarding Coronavirus (Covid-19). Based on the most up-to-date advice from the government, we’ve decided not to go ahead with our original plans for this year’s festival.

Unchartered Waters
News - Mar 2020

Culture in Quarantine, 25 March 2020: Unchartered Waters

Like many of the adventurers and explorers who have left this city in the past, we’re currently in unchartered waters. Despite the uncertainty and temporary lifestyle restrictions the Coronavirus (COVID-19) is causing, it’s also bringing out the best in people as public services adapt to support the most vulnerable in society and communities harness digital technology to stay connected. We’ve put together the following list of useful links to help you over the next few weeks.

Statement on Covid-19
Press Release - Mar 2020

Statement on COVID-19

In recent weeks we’ve been monitoring the fast changing health situation regarding Coronavirus (Covid-19) and taking regular advice from the Director of Public Health. We’ve been trying to remain positive but, based on the most up-to-date advice from the government, we’ve decided to postpone our launch on 16 May.

The Box reveals its figurehead flotilla
Press Release - Mar 2020

The covers are off as figurehead flotilla is revealed

The Box unveiled its impressive collection of 19th century ship’s figureheads for the first time today.

Mayflower 400 Community Sparks Round 4
Press Release - Mar 2020

Mayflower 400 Community Sparks Round 4

17 Plymouth-based projects have been successful in the final funding round of Mayflower 400 Community Sparks.

A woman of science and art - Maria Sybilla Merian
News - Mar 2020

Behind The Scenes, 8 March 2020: A woman of science and art

Last week we shared the exciting news that a new window had been installed in St Luke’s church. It’s a stunning fused glass work by Portuguese artist Leonor Antunes. She took her inspiration from the marbled endpapers in a book in the Cottonian Collection. The book is a rare 1726 copy of Maria Sibylla Merian’s survey of the insects of Surinam.

The Box to launch ballot for its ‘Plymouth Preview’
Press Release - Feb 2020

The Box to launch ballot for its ‘Plymouth Preview’

The ballot for The Box’s ‘Plymouth Preview’ weekend will open at 9am on Monday (2 March).